Finding a purple home away from home at Bishop’s University

Homesick? You’re not alone.

Feeling homesick is something many students studying outside of their hometown might experience. I, on the one hand, can confirm that this feeling occurs to me on a general basis. But, truth be told, I loved being far away from home in my first year of university.

I am originally from Québec City, which is approximately two hours and thirty minutes away from here. The main reason why I was so excited to move out and study here, far away from my family, was because I was sharing a room with my younger sister back home. We shared a room for fifteen years and the older I got the more annoying it was.

The first week here on my own was somewhat hard. Tears were shed, my mom was missed, and the food at the dining hall was not like home.

As time went by I loved the newfound independence I had found. It got to the point that when I visited my town, I caught myself feeling homesick for Bishop’s. It had become my safe haven, and I loved every minute that I spent living life at Bishop’s. I still missed my mom, and home cooking, but I had built a community here and I hated being far away from it.

Picture of Bishop's University's McGreer Hall as you walk onto campus.


For the summer, I went back to Québec City and was able to spend time with my family. I was once again sharing a room with my sister, however, this time we also had to share a bed since she had gotten rid of mine when I left for university. It felt a little weird sharing my personal space after being on my own for a full school year. Nonetheless, I loved my time back home but I couldn’t help but feel excited for what was to come when I would be back on campus.

Already back?

September came around fairly quickly and I was finally reunited with the friends I had made and the place I ended up loving so much. The shock of being on my own hit slightly more as I started my second year. I believe that the reason why I was not so homesick the first time around was because of the excitement of what was to come. The first year in an unknown place is extremely scary but it is also the most exciting. Everything is new and unknown and the possibilities of “what could happen next?” are endless. Do not get me wrong, the excitement of being in this place is still present, every day can bring me something new and I adore the community I have built. Overall, I did miss my town but I was, and am still, super content to be back in Lennoxville.

How can YOU deal with homesickness?

When I want to deal with homesickness I typically end up calling my mother. I have asked her to send me pictures of my cat since I miss him. Seeing things that are familiar back home makes me feel at ease and is usually comforting. As for my hometown friends, I stay in contact with them regularly. I need to find certain gaps within the semester to go back to and visit the people who are important to me.

Overall, everyone is going to deal with homesickness in their own way. Whether someone feels homesick or not, the feeling of either is normal and should not be judged. My first and second years so far have taught me that Bishop’s is an amazing place to meet new people and to experience new things. In the end, Bishop’s and its community will feel like a second home.

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