
‘Experiential learning will increasingly become a critical pedagogical component of the student’s experience here at UBishops.  Providing opportunities for students to work in their field of study is invaluable for them to get hands on experience and apply their learning.  Incorporating and devising experiential opportunities for students of all levels and in all fields is an exciting challenge.’ –Dr. Claire Grogan, Associate VP...
‘Experiential learning will increasingly become a critical pedagogical component of the student’s experience here at UBishops.  Providing opportunities for students to work in their field of study is invaluable for them to get hands on experience and apply their learning.  Incorporating and devising experiential opportunities for students of all levels and in all fields is an exciting challenge.’ –Dr. Claire Grogan, Associate VP...
June 21st marks National Indigenous Peoples Day here in Canada. To commemorate the important day, we are featuring Shawna Chatterton-Jerome (’21), and Cassey Perley, both of whom have already had, and continue to have, a lasting impact on the Bishop’s community and future generations of Indigenous students. Shawna Chatterton-Jerome (’21) It was only once she...
For Pride Month, we’ll be featuring some notable members of the Bishop’s family from the LGBTQIA2+ community, individuals who have left their mark on a world that too often tries to silence them. Despite not knowing much about Bishop’s before applying for a teaching position here, Dr. Courtney Plante (he/him) was immediately drawn to the...
By Katherine Hackett Maia Lugar Bishop’s University students always find various ways to positively represent the institution and its community. Every two years, 338 women from each Canadian federal riding represent their community at Daughter of the Vote, an initiative run by Equal Voices. It is a four-day intensive program compiled of workshops, speakers, panels, and networking with inspiring women from...
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The B.U. Blog is written by students, for students. It is a glimpse into the world of post-secondary education and life at Bishop’s. We hope you enjoy, and if you have any feedback don’t hesitate to send us a note.

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