If you love the arts and mean business: Arts Administration at Bishop’s 

As the only Canadian multi-disciplinary program of its kind east of Toronto, Arts Administration at Bishop’s is a unique program. The breadth of the disciplines represented is huge: students with concentrations in Drama, Film Studies, Fine Arts, Public History and Heritage, and Music can all take part in the program and learn how to organize artistic and cultural events, manage venues, and more.  

Students go into arts administration to better understand the management side of the artistic world. Most come from artistic disciplines, some are seeking to improve their personal business acumen, and others still want to go into administration to support creative expression. Arts Administration students have graduated and gone on to work at the Foreman Art Gallery and ZemmourBallet.   

Learn on the job

Experiential learning is a key part of the program.  Students meet with various arts administrators through online lectures and presentations and must complete two internships: one on campus and the other external to the university. On-campus internships include helping to organize the Bishop’s University Film Festival, the Musique Chez Nous series of performances, serving as social media interns and organizing field trips to New York and Ottawa. External internships have included working for organizations in Quebec, Toronto, Dublin, and China. 

Another key part of the Arts Administration program is the annual Artsfest, organized and run entirely by Arts Administration students. The Artsfest, first conceptualized six years ago, is a multidisciplinary week-long festival held in the closing weeks of the Winter semester. In the wake of COVID-19, the program took advantage of being unable to host the festival to do a focus group with students, giving it new energy and a new sense of purpose. 

Last year, the festival had 25 events and over 700 students in attendance. The festival’s professionalism is exemplified through the connections with the local and regional arts scene, something the program seeks to further develop: 

“The goal is to bring all the wonderful artists and activities on campus together under one roof. We also have connections with outside artists, so we’re trying to make this a showcase of the university and turn Bishop’s into the center of art celebrations in the Eastern Townships.   

Jean Manore, Program Chair 

Community involvement is at the heart of the Bishop’s student experience and is exemplified by the Arts Administration program. Alexis Paquin explains the Arts Administration program fulfilled his desire for an enriched academic experience.  Because of his ambition to become a Festival Coordinator after graduation working production for the BU Artsfest was a perfect match for Alexis. He is continuing his involvement in the Artsfest this year, serving as one of its co-directors.  

The Arts Administration program is multidisciplinary, dedicated to experiential learning, and to community involvement, both on campus and in the wider world of arts and heritage.  “If you love the Arts; if you mean Business; this Program is for you.” 

Learn more about the arts administration program HERE

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