Twice a year, Bishop’s University opens its doors to visitors so they could get fully immersed in the full #Ubishops experience. We could give you a thousand reasons as to why you should attend one of our Open House events, but we thought it would be fun to ask students to tell us what makes...
Getting to know your #Ubishops community is a must if you wish to fully immerse yourself into the BUbble! We decided to help you out by conducting monthly interviews with people that contribute to the school’s success, whether it is a faculty or staff member, a student or an alumni. Let’s kick things off with...
Sherman Peabody, a Sherbrooke resident, was on the Bishop’s University golf and hockey teams and a popular man on campus when World War II broke out. Leaving school without finishing his degree, he became an RCAF Flying Officer and the pilot of a Lancaster heavy bomber. On July 28, 1944 while taking part in a...
“What? The Barista degree?” your parents might exclaim (thinking that they will have to subsidize you for the next decade as you bounce from one food service job to the next in a perpetual cycle of underemployment). To which you can reply (smugly, but not too smugly that they won’t pay for your travel home...
Education isn’t something you can finish; it’s something that will forever shape you, challenge you, and inspire you. Here at Bishop’s University, we believe that a liberal arts education will not only influence you within the next four years, but more importantly, will prepare you for life beyond the classroom. In my first year of university, I had...
We sat down with Michele Murray, Ph.D, Dean of Arts and Science (Interim) for a discussion about her life changing participation in a student exchange program, the value of choosing a liberal education and the importance of finding your passion. On Life After High School I was the first person in my family to go...
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About This Blog

The B.U. Blog is written by students, for students. It is a glimpse into the world of post-secondary education and life at Bishop’s. We hope you enjoy, and if you have any feedback don’t hesitate to send us a note.

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